Affiliated Church

Open House Of Deliverance For All People

Bishop Charles Ellerbe

Some may know him as Bishop and some may know him as the owner of Sam's Same Day Dry Cleaners of Brooklyn, NY.  To some still he is known for his ability to pen a song to paper, as well as, his unique rhythmic style of playing the guitar.  We know him as a devoted husband of one wife, father of three children and the grandfather of six beautiful grandchildren.  No matter what your point of reference is, if you haven't heard the name as of yet just keep listening because the curtains are about to open.  His unique style of delivering God’s word is about to explode on the scene.

Bishop Ellerbe was born in Mullins, S.C. to the late great Elder Leon and great Pastor Evelyn Ellerbe of whom are the founders of Open House Deliverance For All People.  This is a church for everyone, whether you are saved or a sinner, the doors are open to you.  Bishop Ellerbe has been singing, playing his guitar and preaching about the name and only name where by men can be saved, which is the name of Jesus.  He is a third generation leader passed from his uncle, to his aunt and on down to his mother.  Currently, he attends CBI Seminary School working to attain his Doctorate Degree in Theology.  He is also the Bishop of Open House Of Deliverance For All People, located at 390 Evergreen Avenue in Brooklyn, NY, where he and his beautiful wife, Pastor Gloria Ellerbe are working together to win souls for the Kingdom.

First Lady Pastor Gloria Ellerbe

First Lady Ellerbe was born and reared in Bennettsville, S.C.  She serves alongside her husband, Bishop Charles Ellerbe as Pastor of Open House Of Deliverance For All People.

She is an graduate of Community Bible Institute & Seminary with a Bachelor of Theology and Bachelor of Religious Education and Christian Counseling.  She is retired from 23 years of service with the City of New York.

First Lady Ellerbe is a born again believer, called by God to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.  She has been privileged to preach the gospel all around the states of New York, North Carolina and South Carolina, for the purpose of salvation and deliverance.  She is an public speaker, intercessor, evangelist, teacher and Christian counselor.

She is married to Bishop Charles Ellerbe. They have a son, 2 daughters and beautiful grandchildren.